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March 31, 2025


About Fairlane Financial Corp

Fairlane Financial Corporation offers a complete annuity portfolio of more than 100 of America’s most competitive annuities to financial services professionals throughout the United States. Chartered in 1955, Fairlane Financial has built an enviable reputation by providing highly professional services and up-to-date information to the brokerage community.

In a nutshell, Fairlane Financial is here to help you help your clients.

This is how we work with you: Our carriers no longer require the traditional agency departments to distribute their products. Fairlane Financial handles the licensing and contracting procedures, maintains and distributes marketing kits, brochures, sales and service forms, computer illustrations and computer support services. We give you same-hour and same-day service, which is rarely available from any carrier’s home office. We are paid directly by the carrier for our services. We do not share in your commissions. You are contracted with and paid by each carrier directly. The basis of our business is developing carrier relationships and providing marketing staff and support systems from which you can benefit. We regularly invest a considerable amount of time and money in helping you maximize your profits and client relationships. Our goal is to help you earn more money from fixed annuity sales; that is how our agents have become prosperous over the years.

Creating an ongoing dialogue with you is essential in helping you help your clients. We urge you to call us about any products that you find attractive, or about any particular case or prospective client. We will help you select the appropriate annuity for your client as well as provide personalized illustrations, point-of-sale material, and the most profitable selling agreements currently available in the marketplace.