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March 31, 2025
The prestigious Cornerstone One Office Building at Interstate 595 and Pine Island Road

Contact us anytime…

You can request more information about our featured Insurance Carriers and their products from this page. We monitor our email, fax, and phone inquiries and send out information daily during the work week. We will be happy to respond to your request.


Please feel free to contact us anytime via Email:

Fairlane Financial Corp.
1200 South Pine Island Road Suite 100
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33324-4469

Phone: 954.476.2505
Toll Free: 800.327.1460
Fax: 954.476.0051

Driving Directions

I-595 to Pine Island Road; Exit and proceed North to Peters Road. Proceed East on Peters Road to the first right turn lane. Proceed South to the front of the Cornerstone One Building. Visitor parking is to the left of the front entrance.